
Como cepillarse los dientes Clinica Dental Sabates

Dental and oral health advice

How to brush your teeth correctly?

  • Wash the teeth with vertical movements, starting with the gum, from below and out. We have to brush the outside and inside of the tooth.
  • Clean the upper part of the back teeth by brushing in a swirling pattern insistently.
L'alcalde Jordi Ballart va bridar per l'èxit de la Clínica Dental Sabatés

Carles Sabatés, a 21st Century dentist

– Article published on 01/27/2017 in MónTerrassa ( / Photographs by Cristóbal Castro – (you can see the original clicking on this link)

Carles Sabatés Torres has worked in Vic and Campdevànol, has studied in Catalonia, Galicia, Cuba and the United States, and has decided now to return home,